This section contains various corporate publications such as Annual Reports, Strategy Statements, and so on. If you are a victim of crime, you may wish to visit our page which contains information booklets on the role of DPP, going to court as a witness and other topics.

Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports set out the activities of the Office of the DPP over the period of each calendar year.

Strategy Statements

How we will achieve our mission to deliver a fair, independent and effective prosecution service on behalf of all the people of Ireland

Corporate Governance

Our Corporate Governance Framework provides an overview of the structure of the Office, the management procedures in place and the audit and compliance arrangements to which we are subject.

Quality Service

Our Quality Service Charter and Quality Service Action Plan are public statements which set out the standards and level of service you can expect when dealing with our Office.

Data Protection Statement

Because the Office of the DPP processes personal data it has certain obligations under Data Protection legislation. Our Data Protection Statement explains what what those obligations are and how we will comply with them.

Irish Language Scheme

The Official Languages Act 2003 provides for the preparation by public bodies of a statutory scheme detailing the services we will provide through the medium of Irish.

Protected Disclosures Annual Reports

Our Office’s Protected Disclosures annual reports in accordance with section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014.

Prosecution System in Ireland

This document sets out the work currently undertaken by the different ‘prosecutors’ in the Irish prosecution system (also available in French and German)

Human Resources & Organisational Development

See our Human Resources & Organisational Development reports and publications.