Data Protection - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

It gives effect to EU Regulation 2016/679 – more commonly known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – and EU Directive 2016/680 which applies to prosecutors, Gardaí and others in the criminal justice system. The Act is designed to protect people’s privacy.

Data Protection Statement - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

• Keep it safe and secure and protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage 6. Right of Access An individual whose personal data is being processed by the DPP has a right to know: • why the data is being processed;

Releasing my counselling records - Office of the Director of Public ...

This booklet explains in plain language what you need to know if you are the victim of a sexual offence and are asked to consent to the use of your counselling records in a criminal trial. The booklet does not deal with every possible situation but tries to answer the questions that victims ask most often.

Making a Victim Impact Statement - Office of the Director of Public ...

This booklet tries to answer the questions that people ask most often about making a Victim Impact Statement. It does not deal with every possible situation and it does not give you legal advice. If you need legal advice you should talk to. a solicitor. 1. What is a Victim Impact Statement?

Making a Victim Impact Statement - Office of the Director of Public ...

The following people can make a victim impact statement: the victim of the crime who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm or economic loss, which was directly caused by the offence; a family member of a victim who has died, is ill or is incapacitated because of the crime; a victim who is less than 14 years of age or ...


Section 249 creates an. offence for persons having care or control of children of causing or. encouraging unlawful sexual intercourse or buggery with a child (under. 17), or causing or encouraging the seduction or prostitution of the child, or a sexual assault on the child. A person is deemed to have caused.

Director’s Speech at the Bar Association of Ireland Conference, Galway

04 June 2011. SERVING THE COMMUNITY. BAR COUNCIL CONFERENCE,GALWAY,4JUNE 2011 . It is a great honour to be asked to address this conference of the Bar of Ireland on the subject “Serving the Community” because the function of my Office and the nature of the interaction I have with the Bar is about precisely that – serving the community.