Data Protection - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

The web page explains the Data Protection Act 2018 and how it applies to the Office of the DPP, which processes personal data in the criminal justice system. It also provides key definitions and contact details for data protection queries and complaints.

Data Protection Statement - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

• Keep it safe and secure and protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage . 6. Right of Access . An individual whose personal data is being processed by the DPP has a right to know: • why the data is being processed; 4 _____

Releasing my counselling records - Office of the Director of Public ...

records safe and make sure they are not seen by anyone who does not have a legal right to see them (see list at Q.5). Before your records are released, the defence must sign a document saying that they will abide by strict rules when handling your records and treat them with the strictest confidence. They must also agree


• Keep it safe and secure and protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage 6. Right of Access An individual whose personal data is being processed by the DPP has a right to know: • why the data is being processed;

Making a Victim Impact Statement - Office of the Director of Public ...

if you no longer feel safe; the impact on your family and how it affects you; how your quality of life has changed on a day-to-day basis; any financial loss that you have suffered as a result of the crime; You should not include your thoughts or feelings about the offender or tell the judge what sentence you think the offender deserves.

Making a Victim Impact Statement - Office of the Director of Public ...

• if you no longer feel safe • the impact on your family and how that affects you • how your quality of life has changed on a day-to-day basis • any financial loss that you have suffered as a result of the crime. You should not include your thoughts about the offender or tell the judge what sentence you think the offender deserves. This


Submission by the Director of Public Prosecutions Oireachtas Joint Committee on Child Protection Tuesday 26 September 2006 aider and abettor. The offence may be committed against either a man

Director’s Speech at the Bar Association of Ireland Conference, Galway

04 June 2011. SERVING THE COMMUNITY. BAR COUNCIL CONFERENCE,GALWAY,4JUNE 2011 . It is a great honour to be asked to address this conference of the Bar of Ireland on the subject “Serving the Community” because the function of my Office and the nature of the interaction I have with the Bar is about precisely that – serving the community.